Как мне стало известно вчера, меня забанили на ЕТФ2Л на год, якобы по причине использования триггербота. Я никогда не использовал читов и все прекрасно известен мой уровень игры.
Вот что сказал админ
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: you were banned 7 months ago
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: and you are coming now to appeal the ban?
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: also, you were banned for triggerbotting, and it was a clear case
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: btw, we have the demos already, from the movie maker
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: it is clearly a triggerbot
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: you can tell me what you want
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: we have the visual evidence with the weapons spazzing out
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: and the evidence from the demo
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: console i mean
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: we have the demos already
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: as i said
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: the guy that made ur movie gave them to us
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: it has nothing to do with ping and good luck
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: the weapon spazzing out is not from ping
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: and not missing a single shot over a longer period more than once is no luck
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: this isnt up for discussion
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: we have the console input from your demos
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: you are not even pressing mouse 1 to shoot
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: the triggerbot is shooting for you
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: we had the whole ac team go over it
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: we looked at the scenes from your movie
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: and you are killing people
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: but you never press mouse 1
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: so please stop wasting my time
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: it doesnt matter if you go to a server now
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: only because you are not triggerbotting now doesnt prove anything
elem.v Sonny Black #ESEA: feel free to talk to who ever you want, as soon as they open the case again they will laugh at you for even trying
Вывод простой, если вам спрухало разок на игре, то вас забанят. Мой скилл они посчитали оверкрутым чем не могут мне не польстить. Как они определили что я не нажимал мышку при атаке я хз, это из области фантастики.
Пиченьки. Пичеееенькиии! стерлять колотить! Пиченьки! Пиченьки...! Пиченьки...! Пиченьки...!