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Обновление Team Fortress 2 []

New Content
* Added new control point map Gorge
* Added new capture the flag map Double Cross
* Added item crafting
* Added work-in-progress TF Bots for beta testing in KOTH maps (blog post coming with more info)
* Added headshot death animations
* Added more backstab animations

* Added 35 new Soldier achievements
* Added 4 new Soldier items
* Added new Soldier Domination lines

* Added 35 new Demoman achievements
* Added 3 new Demoman items
* Added new Demoman Domination lines

* Now pretends to be carrying the weapons & wearables of the target he's disguised as
* Moved the Spy's camera-beard to the Misc loadout slot so he can equip it with a hat

* The Sandman now only stuns on a max range hit (when you hear the cheering)
* All shorter hits now force the enemy into the thirdperson fleeing state (also removed the damage reduction on them)

больше внутри!
Minor changes
* Added new options to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog:
* Combat text, which displays damage amounts you do to enemies.
* Medic auto caller, which automatically shows you nearby friends at low health.
* Heal target marker, which better highlights the target your medigun is locked onto.
* Alternative Spy disguise menu, which lets you choose disguises using just the 1-3 keys.
* Fixed being able to affect friendly pipes with airblast (they would unstick)
* Added recharge sound to abilities with a recharge bar
* Fixed attachable wearables not staying on ragdolls
* Players no longer see the wearables that are a part of a friendly spy's disguise, fixing various graphical glitches
* Added jiggle bones for Pyro's chicken hat
* Added 2 new game startup songs

Community Mapmaker requests
* Implemented InputSetSetupTime() for team_round_timer (was in the .fgd but never implemented)
* Added "SetDispenserLevel" input to cart dispenser (1, 2, or 3)
Теги: tf2, patch
Дата: 18.12.2009 07:54 | Обновлено: 18.12.2009 09:38
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