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Обнародованы новые предметы из Военного Апдейта.
1. The Equalizer (Уравнитель)
Эта совершенно непримечательная на вид кирка станет смертельным оружием в руках израненного бойца.
2. The Buff Banner (Вдохновляющее Знамя)
Достаточно подать боевой клич и все тиммейты что соберутся под Вашем знаменем получат бонус в виде мини-критов.

1. The Scottish Resistance (Шотландское Сопротивление)
Новый липучкомет: позволяет взрывать только те стики на которые ты смотришь.

Описание на английском под катом.
The Equalizer

when your father and grandfather played Team Fortress 2, being bad at
the game was so shameful, they would rage-quit (a lengthy, painful
process that involved pulling burning coal from the computer’s
furnace). Now, thanks to modern-day updates like these, there’s finally
a good excuse. You didn’t misread that sentence: losing is now a

This melee-slot pickaxe becomes more deadly
the more damage you take, letting you move faster and hit harder the
more wounds you endure. Get close enough to death, and you will become
Death himself.
Note: Pretty much any time we reveal a new
weapon, somebody on the forums claims they thought of it first. But
this time, assuming it’s Tom Francis and jibberish,
they are absolutely correct. As a special thanks to them for doing our
work for us, they'll each be getting a unique version of the Equalizer
of their very own.

The Buff Banner

when your father and grandfather played Team Fortress 2, being bad at
the game was so shameful, they would rage-quit (a lengthy, painful
process that involved pulling burning coal from the computer’s
furnace). Now, thanks to modern-day updates like these, there’s finally
a good excuse. You didn’t misread that sentence: losing is now a

This melee-slot pickaxe becomes more deadly
the more damage you take, letting you move faster and hit harder the
more wounds you endure. Get close enough to death, and you will become
Death himself.
Note: Pretty much any time we reveal a new
weapon, somebody on the forums claims they thought of it first. But
this time, assuming it’s Tom Francis and jibberish,
they are absolutely correct. As a special thanks to them for doing our
work for us, they'll each be getting a unique version of the Equalizer
of their very own.

Admit it: Every so
often, you suspect you’re carrying your team. But other than
rage-quitting, what can you do about it? How about motivating those
lazy sons of bitches to put on their war face and fight?
the morale-boosting Buff Banner. When this secondary-slot item is
equipped, any damage you deal boosts a rage meter that, when full, lets
you pull out your bugle and sound a call to war! For the next 14
seconds, every teammate who rallies round your flag will deal
The Scottish Resistance
Get your thinking pants on, because the Scottish Resistance is the thinking
Demoman's sticky bomb launcher. Trading offensive capability for
increased defensive power, the SR can lay down twice as many sticky
bombs, as well as destroy enemy sticky bombs.
But hold on,
thinking fans—there’s more! The SR lets you detonate specific groups of
bombs instead of having to set them off all at once. The SR detonates
whichever group of bombs the player is looking at, letting you control
which clusters blow, and when. You’ll be able to lay more traps and
guard multiple areas at a time.

But all this awesome thinking man stuff comes at a price, just like
real thinking. The SR is less useful for air-bursts and close range
combat, thanks to longer priming rate (0.4 seconds) per bomb.
Теги: update, day 6, военный апдейт
Дата: 17.12.2009 13:15 | Обновлено: 17.12.2009 17:45
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